Along the River
“At the very end of a rutted track that wound from the valley into the foothills lived a man named John Bunting.”

“Birdseed Economy” and Other Poems
“When I was a child I believed / That each flake of snow that fell / Was a wish someone made over candles”

“Knight of Experience” and Other Poems
“‘I once knew and now / It’s I who keeps the cables warm.’”

Ash Pond-3
“The plant plan’s for it / to produce steam power / obfuscatory stacks cap / in place sunk expenditure”

Four Poems
“Who am I to say why her body-forward / stone shape fits so well into a cupped hand / and has lasted thirty-thousand years?”

“The Cosmos” and Other Poems
“Is that the miniature bulge of an island with one eye embedded / or a decapitated face floating along in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?”

Mechanical Treatments and Other Restorative Plans
“My favorite trail is bare, and all I see is metaphor.”

“Little Children Riding Dogs” and Other Poems
“Oh my God I love the idea of little children riding dogs so much”

She’s Only a Child
“The sisters were forbidden to touch it their first year because they were learning to stay inside the walls.”

Leaving God on Cuba Street
“Darkness had fallen on Cuba Street with a certainty that felt unusual and unforgiving to Ruth when she disembarked from her bus at six in the evening.”

“Rawlings Conservatory” and Other Poems
“The ruffles of my dress split open / Like a flower, taffeta…”

Footnotes on the First Trimester
“My fear is not that I will be a bad mother—on the contrary, I know I will be caring and kind—but that love for my child will be an affliction, a compulsion that subjugates my own desires.”