“Birdseed Economy” and Other Poems
“When I was a child I believed / That each flake of snow that fell / Was a wish someone made over candles”

“Knight of Experience” and Other Poems
“‘I once knew and now / It’s I who keeps the cables warm.’”

Ash Pond-3
“The plant plan’s for it / to produce steam power / obfuscatory stacks cap / in place sunk expenditure”

Four Poems
“Who am I to say why her body-forward / stone shape fits so well into a cupped hand / and has lasted thirty-thousand years?”

“The Cosmos” and Other Poems
“Is that the miniature bulge of an island with one eye embedded / or a decapitated face floating along in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?”

“Little Children Riding Dogs” and Other Poems
“Oh my God I love the idea of little children riding dogs so much”

“Rawlings Conservatory” and Other Poems
“The ruffles of my dress split open / Like a flower, taffeta…”

“Asylum” and Other Poems
“Mother, the shipwrecked / are here and there. But / do you really think they have come”

Burial Practice II
“Then between us the passage faults underground.
/ Think: rooftop of a classic hotel hearing Marco Polo.”

Notes from the Understory
Then I close Judith Butler’s SENSES OF THE SUBJECT / after reading words that I remember as / “I feel only because I have been touched, I feel only on the condition / of being touched, I feel as an ‘I’ becomes a self.”

Becoming Still-Life in St. Louis
April’s final Saturday spent circling / museum halls. Photograph of rotting / peaches, shutter-captured intimations— / open mouths, juice-slicked hands, parted / flesh. A knife.

“Sanguinello” and Other Poems
April’s final Saturday spent circling / museum halls. Photograph of rotting / peaches, shutter-captured intimations— / open mouths, juice-slicked hands, parted / flesh. A knife.

“Apophrades” and Other Poems
“Freud says when you go to bed with someone / you are really going to bed with their parents,”

“Keats Would Freak” and Other Poems
“A stabbing pain, refrain, my abs / from running thickets through”

“Against Dust” and “Kaze No Denwa (Wind Phone)”
“When I die, I will not be demoted / to dust, just a flake of ash to flavor the air / or float downriver into the sea.”

Flower Flower
“O I could fill a cinema. / Bent road of jade / birds' loft bed / rain ruining the mountain”

“Help Desk” and “Mechanic”
“All is not lost, in my opinion. / Something in the way of how anything / can happen ends up meaning most “